Where we are
This is the address of our rural HQ:
Greencroft Books Trefelin Cilgwyn Newport Pembrokeshire SA42 0QN Tel: 01239-820470 Email: [email protected] We are located about two miles from Newport on the North Pembrokeshire coast, within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Images used on this site
Most of the images used on this site are my own, and others have come from royalty-free photo collections and other publicly accessible sources via the internet, including Facebook and Pinterest. The majority have had no attributions attached to them and I have been unable to trace photographers. However, if any of the owners of these images do not approve of their use on this site, and would like me to remove them, I will be happy to oblige. Alternatively, I will be pleased to mention them in photo captions as copyright owners. Grateful thanks to those whose names I know or who have given consents for the use of images: Rolf Stange, Troels Jacobsen, Jenny Ross, Chris Sugden, Roel Dixon-Mahatoo, Henk Meijer, Mads Pihl, Janet Little, Svante Lysen, and my colleagues on the OU East Greenland Expedition 1962.
Although this site exists primarily for the promotion of my novel, I also see it as promoting the fabulous landscapes of the East Greenland fjords, and if it helps to attract business to photographers, tour operators and others, object achieved......... |
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